I've been meaning to post this forever, but waited because I wanted to get a better picture of me wearing the skirt. Oh well, I just haven't gotten to it yet. But here's the story. I saw this skirt on anthropologie.
I thought for a really long time about how to make it. I knew how to change up the yoke and create the ruffle, but it was the pleats/draping on the side that was throwing me. Until I found another blogger that wanted the same skirt and figured it out. Click
here to see how. I think she keeps ag great blog and I've liked a lot of her ideas. Anyway, here is how mine turned out.

I used a sort of sage green pinstriped fabric of "unknown fiber content" that I got for a $1.50 at Walmart. I love it. Were I to do it again I would change a couple things. I would do fusible interfacing on the entire yoke. There was a lot of give to my fabric and it needed the stability. I would also have lined it, but I just didn't have any lining. I ended up having to hand stitch the side pleats in place because they just slipped out. I also would have made them a little more shallow (1 inch instead of 1.5), and I would have made the whole skirt a little more fitted, more of a pencil than straight down as it is now. But I really love it! I'll post a picture of me wearing it soon!